

OpenStack features

Our cloud infrastructure is completely based on open source OpenStack. Learn more about it’s features we have implemented at Nefos.


Block Storage service

Cinder is designed to present storage resources to end users that can be consumed by the OpenStack Compute Project (Nova).

Openstack Image Service

The Image service (glance) project provides a service where users can upload and discover data assets that are meant to be used with other services.

The OpenStack Dashboard Project

Horizon is the canonical implementation of OpenStack’s Dashboard, which provides a web based user interface to OpenStack services including Nova, Swift, Keystone, etc.

Networking as a service between interface devices

Neutron implements services and associated libraries to provide on-demand, scalable, and technology-agnostic network abstraction.

Nova provides a way to provision compute instances.

Nova supports creating virtual machines, baremetal servers (through the use of ironic), and has limited support for system containers.

A highly available, distributed, eventually consistent object/blob store.

Swift is built for scale and optimized for durability, availability, and concurrency across the entire data set. Swift is ideal for storing unstructured data that can grow without bound.

Flexible approach

OpenStack at Nefos enables professionals to implement their virtual infrastructure using a programmatic API, and easily perform daily operations using an appealing graphical dashboard.

A variety of off-the-shelf tooling works out of the box with OpenStack, helping you and your team building virtual infrastructure even faster, keeping focus on your business’ application.


API access

Supporting tools such as Terraform or Kubernetes orchestration software such as kOps neatly integrate with the OpenStack API.

Horizon dashboard

Gather a convenient overview of your cloud resources, and perform routine maintenance operations, using OpenStack Horizon.